In this section of content Management System, the user can see, reply and publish feedback that has been submitted by the student on the website.

Screenshot below shows the feedback section which has been published on the website.

Steps to Reply to Feedback on the website

1) Select Feedback Screen

Once user has logged in, Dashboard will appear.

Click on the highlighted arrow pointer, to go to Feedback Screen.

2) Feedback List

User can see list of feedback that has been received by the department.

  • Auto Publish

By checking this box, feedback will be published on the website automatically.

  • Show Un-Published Only

             By checking the box, user can see the list of Un-Published feedback.

3) Editing Feedback

To reply to the feedback, click on Edit button as shown below.

 4) Feedback Details

To reply to Feedback, various details to be filled include:

  • Publish

                    To Publish the feedback on the website, check Publish box.

  • Is Active

                    Is Active is used to select whether the Feedback is to be displayed or kept hidden on the website.

  • Display Order

                   Display Order provides the sequence of the feedback to be reflected on the website among all the other feedbacks.

  • Reply Message

                  Reply to feedback can be provided in Reply Message box of the section.

Once all the details are provided, click on Update button as shown below.

Linking Feedback to Main Menu/Links section.

The user can link the feedback Page to main menu or links section of the website using Get a local link option.

  • Go to Main Menu menu/Links section on the Dashboard,

  • Click on Edit Option,

  • Click on Get local link,

  • Select Feedback in the Select Page drop down menu and select Feedback.aspx  from Possible links

  • Click on Insert link option to link the page to main menu or links.

Once the user clicks on the option selected from main menu or Link section, they will be redirected to the Feedback Page.

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